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Livingston To See Commercial Garbage Rate Increase


Livingston To See Commercial Garbage Rate Increase

Jennifer Ogletree 

During the November meeting, the Livingston City Council continued the trash discussion. The council approved the purchase of a conventional garbage truck which came in under budget. The council also approved a commercial garbage rate increase starting January 1. 

Downtown Revitalization continues strong. Shannon Cantrell told the council Falloween was a huge success with an approximate number of attendees falling somewhere between 7,000-8,000 people. 

Cantrell also discussed the Christmas Parade theme will be The Magic of Christmas. The parade will be held December 9, at 3:00pm. Cantrell discussed Christmas in Country is scheduled November 24, December 1 and December 8 from 5:00pm until 8:00pm each night. 

The council approved a motion to increase the contract funds for the Courthouse project to $102,246. Ray Evans stated he is working the TDOT to get an increase on the received grant, because the increase is due to inflation. 

Evans also discussed TDOT now requiring all cities to adopt a consultant selection policy. The policy is TDOT's policy just adapted for municipalities. 

Evans told the council that the transformers for the South Church project are slated to arrive 30 days sooner than initially anticipated, so should be delivered any day. Because of the earlier delivery date they plan to hold a stakeholders meeting to map out a plan with a property owner and tenants meeting to happen in the upcoming weeks. 

Symmetry Energy representative Alan Lingerfelt gave the council an update on the state of the natural gas. The demand for natural gas will fluctuate depending on the weather, which according to NOAA will be wetter than normal but could go either way temperature wise. 

The council approved a motion to contract with Performance Services to further investigate scope areas identified with the last road of research, with a maximum cost of $25,000.

The council approved a motion to add a conflict of interest statement to the procurement policy at the request of TDEC.