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2024-25 Overton Extension Upcoming Events


UT Extension will be conducting several educational events this late Summer, Fall and Winter. Listed below are the events:

Thursday, September 19th, 5:30 pm at Holt Farms, 170 West Spicer Lane, Livingston– “Selecting replacement females for the future herd” – This event will focus on how to select heifers for longevity and production.  The class will discuss things to look for in both phenotype and genotype. One Master Beef credit.

Thursday, September 26th, 5:30 pm at the Overton Extension Office, 312 West Broad Street, Livingston- “How to correctly pull calves during difficult birth “-This class will focus on how to pull calves during dystocia in cows and heifers. It will also touch on ways one can prevent this from happening. Extension Veterinarian Dr. Lew Strickland will be the class presenter with his cow dummy and calf. Dinner will be provided. One Master Beef credits.

Tuesday, October 1st, 5:30 pm – The Upper Cumberland Extension Team’s Beef Summit at Tennessee Tech’s Hyder- Burks Pavilion, 2390 Gainesboro Grade, Cookeville- “Management of cool season forage systems during drought”. Extension forage specialist Dr. Bruno Pedreira will be the keynote speaker. Dinner will be provided. Two Master Beef credits.

Tuesday, October 8th, 5:30 pm at the Overton Extension Office, 312 West Broad Street, Livingston- “Controlling flies in beef production”. Extension agents Scott Swoape and Chris Binkley will explain how to control flies in your beef herd. Dinner provided. One Master Beef credit.

Thursday, January 16th, 5:30 pm at the Overton Extension Office, 312 West Broad Street, Livingston- “Marketing your calf crop and achieving value-added calves”. Beef producers want to get the most dollars out of their calf crop. Richard Brown of United Producers/ Tennessee Farm bureau will be on hand to explain how one can achieve that. Dinner provided. One Master Beef credit.

Other classes and events will be scheduled at a later date.

Please contact Jason at Overton Extension for further information and UT Extension offers equal opportunities in programs and employment.

UT Extension, Overton County Extension